Goodbye Cubs, hello Tigers - Culture & Entertainment Group Travel
Goodbye Cubs, hello Tigers Goodbye Cubs, hello Tigers The Chicago Cubs broke their losing streak , but they’ve lost me. This was not an easy decision. I’ve loved this hard-luck baseball team literally as long as I can remember. The love of the Cubs was passed down from my grandfather to my father to me. It’s one of the few things that we shared in common. I asked my dad if his grandpa was a Cubs fan. It is possible, but he can’t remember which team he loved. He does recall watching the CBS game of the week with Pee Wee Reese and Dizzy Dean with him, though. So I’m a possible fourth-generation Cubs fan, but surely a third. That’s why it’s so hard to say I’m done. When I flipped on the radio last week and heard the Cubs hadn’t had a lead in 53 innings, it was then I decided to resign — to quit, throw in the towel, return my credentials, tender my resignation, give up, etc. I can’t do this any more. Just watch this awful throw from pitcher Matt...