Holiday tetanus shot
This has not been the best labor day ever. I spent two and half hours at the med center for the giant laceration in my foot. Not that most fun that I've ever had. It doesn't hurt that's more annoying than anything. Last evening, I was picking up the living room and I moved my foot and saw blood. I ended up sliding it across a row of staples, which I had left out the Sunday before from a project. These aren't normal staples, they're the giant staples of the staple gun. The kind you can drive into wood. It hurt...but man, there was so much blood. I cleaned up my foot and it looked bad, but not that bad. I scrubbed the blood from the carpet and went to bed with a sore foot. It was fine overnight and stopped bleeding. I had a perfectly fine time this morning. I was out running errands (actually eating lunch) when I noticed it was bleeding again. was on to the med center, the new one out by M6. There were tons of sick people there, this being a holiday and all. After arriving at 1:30, I saw the doctor about 3:45. Then it was all over by 4:15. I had the wound cleaned and I was given a lecture about coming in earlier. Because it was a deep cut, I should have come in the night before. But I didn't. So now, I have plastic staples. Yuck. It hurts and I'm sick of seeing blood. I hope it heals quickly.
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