
Showing posts from April, 2009

My moment of glory

I meant to post this last week when it happened. We did something strange in the office...we took a Thursday afternoon off to do some bowling. It was a reward, actually, for our month-long fitness challenge at work. There were only two days I couldn’t make it: nothing but water and no salt. If you didn’t make the challenge, you put a dollar into the pot. If not, you just had the satisfaction of doing something good for yourself. So, when it came to bowling, somehow it worked out that I was able to bowl first. I was really nervous about it. But everyone was milling about and I was ready. After being urged to go, I let the ball go. ... And knocked down 9 pins. And then I picked up the spare with everyone watching. Amazing! It went downhill from there, but I had a brief, fleeting moment of glory. And I was happy with the 81 I bowled.


  What a year 1977 was. Here I am at Easter. Notice the world's ugliest couch surrounded by the world's ugliest curtians. Did my mother ever think those matched? Actually, the clothes aren't too bad. I could see them being worn today. But thank goodness gold and green are no longer in style.  I don't think I've come to grips with being 32 years removed from this picture. How is that possible that so much time has passed? I'm just back from a trip to Virginia for work. I was going to blog about this, but I ran across this picture in Picasa, so I thought I'd comment on this first!

A peach tie? Really?

  Well, I was going through some pictures on my computer and found these. They're from a few years ago when I scanned all the pictures my grandma had. As you can see this parade of bad hair and dorky smiles shows wonderful school pictures. The one where I'm in the pink, I look so much like my dad, it's scary. That was second grade. The red and green dress with the bow tie is third grade. My mother made this one. I was embarassed. Now I think this is cool.  Next is the blue dress, Dorthy Hamel haircut and third grade. But I hated that hair cut and grew out my hair. That is the unfortunate mullet in the picture where I'm wearing a little grey dress with a skinny peach tie. That was 1985. can't you tell? Fifth grade is the feathered bangs and strips, while sixth grade is big sweater and really short bangs. Will today's Hannah Montanas be embarrased when they look back? I bet so!