Changing the world...and my life

So, the big thing right now is reusable shopping bags; this is a wonderful way to conserve and care for the environment. I've picked a couple up at various places. I didn't realize it was possible to fall in love with a bag. Now I know it is luducrous to even be blogging about a reusable shopping bag...but man, I just adore this bag. It's sturdy, but if something happens to it, that's no big deal. It's deep and easy to sling over my shoulders. But more importantly, it helps take some of the weight away from my arms when I've carrying things. I have tendinitis is my elbows (well, the opposite side) and it's hard to lug boxes around. But this bag takes the weight and transfers it to my back.
Now, this problem with carrying boxes has affected my ability to do laundry. I'm behind. I mean behind...a dozen loads, I'm washing scarves in May behind. I sorted it all last night and it took over the living room. I've filled two bags three times...and I'm doing laundry. It's not a big deal. Maybe this will change things. I want to keep with won't be that hard if I keep up with.
Now that I've blogged about something so minor, I also need to admit that I'm working my way through the first season of Benson on I love this show! It's smart, relatively timeless, and gentle. I loved it as a kid, and I love it now!
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