
Showing posts from February, 2007

More stupid snow and ice...

Well...not only is it snowing, but it's icy...right at 32. I made it okay to church in the snow and it was just raining when I got home. But it's been raining/sleeting/snowing all afternoon. I've seen the neighbors really slipping and sliding. I've decided to stay home this evening. I haven't done much today, but some cooking watching the tape of Thursday night TV and laying on the floor. I did take these lovely kitty pictures: I took those around 3 minutes ago...and now they're on the web. Isn't technology amazing? Well...let's see..Friday was okay. I went and did a shop at Barnes & Noble...then I curled up and read after that. I also made a turkey and stayed up way too late on finishing it. On Saturday, I picked the turkey. YUCK! ...then I went and did two Arby's shops. I can't beleive how much that paid to go to Ionia and Lowell. I also went to do a BP shop in Wyoming. Real easy, but man it was cold. Chill you to the bone cold. Then I met ...

More stupid snow and ice...

Well...not only is it snowing, but it's icy...right at 32. I made it okay to church in the snow and it was just raining when I got home. But it's been raining/sleeting/snowing all afternoon. I've seen the neighbors really slipping and sliding. I've decided to stay home this evening. I haven't done much today, but some cooking watching the tape of Thursday night TV and laying on the floor. I did take these lovely kitty pictures: I took those around 3 minutes ago...and now they're on the web. Isn't technology amazing? Well...let's see..Friday was okay. I went and did a shop at Barnes & Noble...then I curled up and read after that. I also made a turkey and stayed up way too late on finishing it. On Saturday, I picked the turkey. YUCK! ...then I went and did two Arby's shops. I can't beleive how much that paid to go to Ionia and Lowell. I also went to do a BP shop in Wyoming. Real easy, but man it was cold. Chill you to the bone cold. Then I met ...

Today's photo

It's a late fall bloom!

Today's photo

It's a late fall bloom!

New Car

So, I'm the proud owner of an '03 Taurus! But my last car had to die first. Here's the story: The oil light came on Tuesday night as I pulled into the driveway. I didn’t think much of it. Then, it stalled Wednesday morning before I even got out of the apartment complex. Then I did make it to the highway, but it was running so rough, I turned around and drove it to the dealer. They have fixed it for years, and I go right by it on the way to work. So, it stalled for the last time about 500 yards from the service station. They towed it in for me and told me it wouldn’t look good. It turns out there was no oil in the engine and it was totally seized. They couldn’t fix it. It would take a new engine, which is about $5,500. So, they suggested that I talk to Emily, a recent Calvin grad who sells cars. This Taurus, I call him Ted, was the best choice. I just signed about six papers, waiting a bunch, and drove away with a new car. Emily even cleaned out my old car. Dora was my ...

New Car

So, I'm the proud owner of an '03 Taurus! But my last car had to die first. Here's the story: The oil light came on Tuesday night as I pulled into the driveway. I didn’t think much of it. Then, it stalled Wednesday morning before I even got out of the apartment complex. Then I did make it to the highway, but it was running so rough, I turned around and drove it to the dealer. They have fixed it for years, and I go right by it on the way to work. So, it stalled for the last time about 500 yards from the service station. They towed it in for me and told me it wouldn’t look good. It turns out there was no oil in the engine and it was totally seized. They couldn’t fix it. It would take a new engine, which is about $5,500. So, they suggested that I talk to Emily, a recent Calvin grad who sells cars. This Taurus, I call him Ted, was the best choice. I just signed about six papers, waiting a bunch, and drove away with a new car. Emily even cleaned out my old car. Dora was my ...

Mr. Murph is so cute

Isn't he a dolly?

Mr. Murph is so cute

Isn't he a dolly?

Slow morning

Hello! It's Tuesday morning and has been Tuesday morning forever. It's been a really long day. Not bad, just long. What pictures should I post today? Let's see... It's Mr. Murphy taking a nap! Oh, I so need a Charlie picture too. He's cute! Today, he got his little paws stuck as he was trying to open the door to the bathroom. He really doesn't understand the concept of opening doors. Guess his mom never taught him that. I had to stop brushing my hair to unhook his claw. Poor little guy!

Slow morning

Hello! It's Tuesday morning and has been Tuesday morning forever. It's been a really long day. Not bad, just long. What pictures should I post today? Let's see... It's Mr. Murphy taking a nap! Oh, I so need a Charlie picture too. He's cute! Today, he got his little paws stuck as he was trying to open the door to the bathroom. He really doesn't understand the concept of opening doors. Guess his mom never taught him that. I had to stop brushing my hair to unhook his claw. Poor little guy!

Gathering clouds

Here's a thunderstorm from last fall.

Gathering clouds

Here's a thunderstorm from last fall.

More about what's on my mind

Well...yesterday was a tough one for me...but kind of okay. I had a lot of energy yesterday...and it was a good day at work. I got most of the Washington, D.C. feature done and I planned out the other feature. I even conquered my fears and spent a hard, but good 10 minutes on the treadmill. So...on Fridays when I have nothing to do, I'm usually tired so it's okay. I was bummed...and had one stupid picture to take for a shop. So, I did that. Then I went to a bookstore, picked up some interesting used books, and then went to Long John Silvers for some fried food. I read Typewatching, which reminded me of the Myers Brigg obession I had in College. I'm such an INFP. I could be an INFJ...but not quite. Anyway. I snuggled in my chair and read. I got out a blanket. As soon as I turned my head, Mr. Charlie was there on it. What a booger. But I did get a lot of reading done. This morning, I finished Kenneth Turan's "Coming Soon to a Theater Everywhere," this morning as...

More about what's on my mind

Well...yesterday was a tough one for me...but kind of okay. I had a lot of energy yesterday...and it was a good day at work. I got most of the Washington, D.C. feature done and I planned out the other feature. I even conquered my fears and spent a hard, but good 10 minutes on the treadmill. So...on Fridays when I have nothing to do, I'm usually tired so it's okay. I was bummed...and had one stupid picture to take for a shop. So, I did that. Then I went to a bookstore, picked up some interesting used books, and then went to Long John Silvers for some fried food. I read Typewatching, which reminded me of the Myers Brigg obession I had in College. I'm such an INFP. I could be an INFJ...but not quite. Anyway. I snuggled in my chair and read. I got out a blanket. As soon as I turned my head, Mr. Charlie was there on it. What a booger. But I did get a lot of reading done. This morning, I finished Kenneth Turan's "Coming Soon to a Theater Everywhere," this morning as...

Happy Saturday again

Well, my daily posting has degnerated into once a week. I was afraid of that. Let's see...waht happened this week? Not too much. I worked a bunch, made a lot of contacts and wrote a fair number of articles. Amber came up for a visit on Sunday night. It was sure nice to spend some time with her. We went to Olive Garden and then just talked until it was time to go to sleep. On Monday morning, we went to the mall and bought a new pair of boots for me. We also found Chantilly Deoderant. It's hard to explain what a find that it. That is the only kind that Granny likes to use and thinks works. Well, she hasn't been able to find it for years. So, Amber just found it at Sears. We bought it all...We picked out a card, and I sent it out Wednesday. Granny got it yesterday and just loved it. That was so fun!

Happy Saturday again

Well, my daily posting has degnerated into once a week. I was afraid of that. Let's see...waht happened this week? Not too much. I worked a bunch, made a lot of contacts and wrote a fair number of articles. Amber came up for a visit on Sunday night. It was sure nice to spend some time with her. We went to Olive Garden and then just talked until it was time to go to sleep. On Monday morning, we went to the mall and bought a new pair of boots for me. We also found Chantilly Deoderant. It's hard to explain what a find that it. That is the only kind that Granny likes to use and thinks works. Well, she hasn't been able to find it for years. So, Amber just found it at Sears. We bought it all...We picked out a card, and I sent it out Wednesday. Granny got it yesterday and just loved it. That was so fun!

Snuggle Bug

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. This has been a week of snow and writing. I did make my was an impossibly hard week, but I got all of those student articles done. Charlie was so cute this morning...just so sweet. I was so happy with him. Here are some picutres. You will notice that I have blankets and pillows everywhere. It has been so cold!

Snuggle Bug

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. This has been a week of snow and writing. I did make my was an impossibly hard week, but I got all of those student articles done. Charlie was so cute this morning...just so sweet. I was so happy with him. Here are some picutres. You will notice that I have blankets and pillows everywhere. It has been so cold!

Stupid snow

Stupid, stupid, stupid snow. The roads are the worst I've ever seen them! There's solid packed snow and it's just so cold. Oh, we shall not speak of what happened on Sunday.

Stupid snow

Stupid, stupid, stupid snow. The roads are the worst I've ever seen them! There's solid packed snow and it's just so cold. Oh, we shall not speak of what happened on Sunday.

GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!

Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, Hester the rookie quarterback just the opening punt for a TD. The only time that has ever happened in a Super Bowl! It was 7-0 after 14 seconds.

GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!

Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, Hester the rookie quarterback just the opening punt for a TD. The only time that has ever happened in a Super Bowl! It was 7-0 after 14 seconds.

Snowed in

It's much better today. They finally plowed, so maybe I can make it out to Walgreen's later today. Well, my goal is to get the house cleaned up when I am home. It needs some attention (and vacuuming). Also, Adam and Larry and Pastor Tom decided to cancel church...I can't remember that ever happening. Strange! They showed my pretty snow picture on the news last night. How exciting! Here is the picture again.

Snowed in

It's much better today. They finally plowed, so maybe I can make it out to Walgreen's later today. Well, my goal is to get the house cleaned up when I am home. It needs some attention (and vacuuming). Also, Adam and Larry and Pastor Tom decided to cancel church...I can't remember that ever happening. Strange! They showed my pretty snow picture on the news last night. How exciting! Here is the picture again.

Some pictures


Some pictures


A genuine blizzard

It's nine degrees...blowing snow...never seen anything like this! Most of the roads and malls are closed. Wow!

A genuine blizzard

It's nine degrees...blowing snow...never seen anything like this! Most of the roads and malls are closed. Wow!