More stupid snow and ice...
Well...not only is it snowing, but it's icy...right at 32. I made it okay to church in the snow and it was just raining when I got home. But it's been raining/sleeting/snowing all afternoon. I've seen the neighbors really slipping and sliding. I've decided to stay home this evening. I haven't done much today, but some cooking watching the tape of Thursday night TV and laying on the floor. I did take these lovely kitty pictures:

I took those around 3 minutes ago...and now they're on the web. Isn't technology amazing?
Well...let's see..Friday was okay. I went and did a shop at Barnes & Noble...then I curled up and read after that. I also made a turkey and stayed up way too late on finishing it.
On Saturday, I picked the turkey. YUCK! ...then I went and did two Arby's shops. I can't beleive how much that paid to go to Ionia and Lowell. I also went to do a BP shop in Wyoming. Real easy, but man it was cold. Chill you to the bone cold.
Then I met Kerry and Caelyn for dinner. It was a nice night. We walked around Wal-Mart just because it was warm there and we wanted to get some exercise.
This morning was church. Larry preached an encouraging and challenging sermon---about wanting what's best...not more stuff. I put it much less eloquently...but he reminded us that the Kingdom of God is much more important. I'm facing a lot of financial trouble ahead...but this is a process...and I will get to the place where I can be generous. I'm going to take this time to relax, help others when I can...and use what I have. I will not fill the gaping whole in my soul with shopping or buy more because I'm lazy. It's going to be hard...but with God's help, I can make it!
I took those around 3 minutes ago...and now they're on the web. Isn't technology amazing?
Well...let's see..Friday was okay. I went and did a shop at Barnes & Noble...then I curled up and read after that. I also made a turkey and stayed up way too late on finishing it.
On Saturday, I picked the turkey. YUCK! ...then I went and did two Arby's shops. I can't beleive how much that paid to go to Ionia and Lowell. I also went to do a BP shop in Wyoming. Real easy, but man it was cold. Chill you to the bone cold.
Then I met Kerry and Caelyn for dinner. It was a nice night. We walked around Wal-Mart just because it was warm there and we wanted to get some exercise.
This morning was church. Larry preached an encouraging and challenging sermon---about wanting what's best...not more stuff. I put it much less eloquently...but he reminded us that the Kingdom of God is much more important. I'm facing a lot of financial trouble ahead...but this is a process...and I will get to the place where I can be generous. I'm going to take this time to relax, help others when I can...and use what I have. I will not fill the gaping whole in my soul with shopping or buy more because I'm lazy. It's going to be hard...but with God's help, I can make it!
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