Happy Saturday again
Well, my daily posting has degnerated into once a week. I was afraid of that.
Let's see...waht happened this week? Not too much. I worked a bunch, made a lot of contacts and wrote a fair number of articles. Amber came up for a visit on Sunday night. It was sure nice to spend some time with her. We went to Olive Garden and then just talked until it was time to go to sleep. On Monday morning, we went to the mall and bought a new pair of boots for me. We also found Chantilly Deoderant.

It's hard to explain what a find that it. That is the only kind that Granny likes to use and thinks works. Well, she hasn't been able to find it for years. So, Amber just found it at Sears. We bought it all...We picked out a card, and I sent it out Wednesday. Granny got it yesterday and just loved it. That was so fun!
Let's see...waht happened this week? Not too much. I worked a bunch, made a lot of contacts and wrote a fair number of articles. Amber came up for a visit on Sunday night. It was sure nice to spend some time with her. We went to Olive Garden and then just talked until it was time to go to sleep. On Monday morning, we went to the mall and bought a new pair of boots for me. We also found Chantilly Deoderant.
It's hard to explain what a find that it. That is the only kind that Granny likes to use and thinks works. Well, she hasn't been able to find it for years. So, Amber just found it at Sears. We bought it all...We picked out a card, and I sent it out Wednesday. Granny got it yesterday and just loved it. That was so fun!
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