A Sunday Post

Well, I'm keeping up my resoultion to make a blog post each day. I don't want to get too deep or too spirtual, but I want to keep a little log of what I'm doing.

Right now, I am eating some Chex and watching a bit of Top Gun. Exciting. Man this is a gay movie.

Anyway, this morning I got early and went to church. It was my first Sunday running the computer. That went quite well. We had two DVDs and an Itunes video. Amazing!!! I handled it just fine though. It was a great service. We talked about God being our refuge. Many times we don't even see how he protects us. Also, he works out things for our good (defintion of God's best? Being like Jesus).

Well...I need to leave again soon.

Oh...Tom Cruise just told Val Kilmer that he's dangerous.


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