
Showing posts from July, 2007


I hate feeling like this. Isn't that a terrible way to begin a blog entry? It's all negative and I'm writing in the first person. But that is the strange way that Blog-ese works. It's strange to publish your inner monologue. I'm getting whiney again about how things are going. I'm whining about being 30, single, broke, and stuck at a job I don't like. I'm trying to enjoy my life and be grateful for what I have, but it's so hard. How long is this season going to last? Even asking that question is presumptuous of me. But what if it's a matter of prayer? Abraham, Moses, David, the prophets all talked to God and questioned him.


I hate feeling like this. Isn't that a terrible way to begin a blog entry? It's all negative and I'm writing in the first person. But that is the strange way that Blog-ese works. It's strange to publish your inner monologue. I'm getting whiney again about how things are going. I'm whining about being 30, single, broke, and stuck at a job I don't like. I'm trying to enjoy my life and be grateful for what I have, but it's so hard. How long is this season going to last? Even asking that question is presumptuous of me. But what if it's a matter of prayer? Abraham, Moses, David, the prophets all talked to God and questioned him.

There is more

We do not merely want to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words--to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. C.S. Lewis A thing resounds when it rings true Ringing all the bells inside of you Like a golden sky on a summer eve Your heart is tugging at your sleeve And you cannot say why There must be more There is more More than we can stand Standing in the glory Of a love that never ends There is more More than we can guess More and more, forever more And not a second less Andrew Peterson Thank God there's more!

There is more

We do not merely want to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words--to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. C.S. Lewis A thing resounds when it rings true Ringing all the bells inside of you Like a golden sky on a summer eve Your heart is tugging at your sleeve And you cannot say why There must be more There is more More than we can stand Standing in the glory Of a love that never ends There is more More than we can guess More and more, forever more And not a second less Andrew Peterson Thank God there's more!

Too much to do today

Well, I have to hit my deadline, but I want to follow up on my pledge to post each day. Maybe I will write more later.

Too much to do today

Well, I have to hit my deadline, but I want to follow up on my pledge to post each day. Maybe I will write more later.

Green with envy

I'm getting a headache and my head is starting to spin. Really, I would like to go home and curl up my quilt. It's dark and rainy, plus...well, let's just say it's that time of the month. But I have a few more hours to trudge through before I can go home. This has nothing to do with my title. I can't shake thinking about envy. I think that's because I'm suffering a serious case of it and I have for a really long time. I always thought that envy was wanting more things. But that's really greed. It's really easy to understand (and identify) greed. Envy ... (the green-eyed monster (or is that jealously? What's the difference?)) ... is more subtle. And my life is ripe with it. I don't like what I have. I look at others who have more than me and I want it. I don't begrudge anyone what they hae...but I want a cool job and a family and a husband. I want to not have to worry about money. I want some real furniture (okay, that's a material thi...

Green with envy

I'm getting a headache and my head is starting to spin. Really, I would like to go home and curl up my quilt. It's dark and rainy, plus...well, let's just say it's that time of the month. But I have a few more hours to trudge through before I can go home. This has nothing to do with my title. I can't shake thinking about envy. I think that's because I'm suffering a serious case of it and I have for a really long time. I always thought that envy was wanting more things. But that's really greed. It's really easy to understand (and identify) greed. Envy ... (the green-eyed monster (or is that jealously? What's the difference?)) ... is more subtle. And my life is ripe with it. I don't like what I have. I look at others who have more than me and I want it. I don't begrudge anyone what they hae...but I want a cool job and a family and a husband. I want to not have to worry about money. I want some real furniture (okay, that's a material thi...

I just wanted to finish Harry Potter

Yesterday was a rough day. Rough day, did I mention that? v All I wanted to do is finish Harry Potter. But I am a grown-up and I had a job to do. And yesterday threw me through the wringer. Everyone wanted my attention all day and I never had a moment’s peace. This is my blog so I can complain: v My intern and the part-time writer were in the office. They’re both great and do lots of great work, but I sure was interrupted a lot. v Our deadline for the student magazine has been moved up by TWO WEEKS. This has put everyone in full freak-out mode. We can meet the deadline if we don’t spend all of this time stressing out. v My phone rang off the hook with contacts. v The people that I couldn’t a hold of are still there. So now I look bad because the number I called wasn’t in the service. Sorry I missed the 800#. No big deal. I’m not turning this into something bigger (this one will make no sense to anyone else, but hey, I’m the only reader of this, right?) v Candy was having an off day and...

I just wanted to finish Harry Potter

Yesterday was a rough day. Rough day, did I mention that? v All I wanted to do is finish Harry Potter. But I am a grown-up and I had a job to do. And yesterday threw me through the wringer. Everyone wanted my attention all day and I never had a moment’s peace. This is my blog so I can complain: v My intern and the part-time writer were in the office. They’re both great and do lots of great work, but I sure was interrupted a lot. v Our deadline for the student magazine has been moved up by TWO WEEKS. This has put everyone in full freak-out mode. We can meet the deadline if we don’t spend all of this time stressing out. v My phone rang off the hook with contacts. v The people that I couldn’t a hold of are still there. So now I look bad because the number I called wasn’t in the service. Sorry I missed the 800#. No big deal. I’m not turning this into something bigger (this one will make no sense to anyone else, but hey, I’m the only reader of this, right?) v Candy was having an off day and...

Not feeling it today

Feed on goodness, and your soul will delight in its richness. -St. Bernard of Clarivaux The inspiration seems to be gone; that rush of energy that I had last week is gone. What a blessing that is when it comes. But that's what happens when you deal with the ebbs and flows of life and with fibromyalgia. Some days are bad, most are okay, but some are great. I've learned to deal with this over the years, but it's still annoying to crash from those times when I'm feeling so great. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the days when I'm not feeling as great. I'm trying to learn how to see everything as a blessing ---and how to thank God for those blessings.

Not feeling it today

Feed on goodness, and your soul will delight in its richness. -St. Bernard of Clarivaux The inspiration seems to be gone; that rush of energy that I had last week is gone. What a blessing that is when it comes. But that's what happens when you deal with the ebbs and flows of life and with fibromyalgia. Some days are bad, most are okay, but some are great. I've learned to deal with this over the years, but it's still annoying to crash from those times when I'm feeling so great. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the days when I'm not feeling as great. I'm trying to learn how to see everything as a blessing ---and how to thank God for those blessings.

A fantastic day

I'm really obsessed with "Miracle Drug"...what a song! Anyway, today has been a pleasant Saturday. the weather couldn't have been lovelier. Wow. These are the days we pine for in February. So, last night, at 11:30, I schlepped off to Meijer to purchase Harry Potter 7. I have checked all the other ones out from the library. And I haven't even seen all of the movies. But I wanted this one. I picked up some groceries and heard the huge commotion when midnight arrived. There were a zillion people in line, but it went really fast because all you did was get a book and then back in the store. I was home 62 minutes after I left. I read two chapters yesterday and six today. I was able to take a reading-induced nap. That was the best! I also met my small group for ice cream. I so enjoy them!

A fantastic day

I'm really obsessed with "Miracle Drug"...what a song! Anyway, today has been a pleasant Saturday. the weather couldn't have been lovelier. Wow. These are the days we pine for in February. So, last night, at 11:30, I schlepped off to Meijer to purchase Harry Potter 7. I have checked all the other ones out from the library. And I haven't even seen all of the movies. But I wanted this one. I picked up some groceries and heard the huge commotion when midnight arrived. There were a zillion people in line, but it went really fast because all you did was get a book and then back in the store. I was home 62 minutes after I left. I read two chapters yesterday and six today. I was able to take a reading-induced nap. That was the best! I also met my small group for ice cream. I so enjoy them!

Highy feminine?

I'm so worn out today...all of that creative burst and rest from the vacation is gone...gone...gone. Since I'm so worn out...playing around sounded good. Pop Candy linked to the Personal DNA test. So here I am: The Generous visionary I was not too surprised by the results...except for how high I scored on femininity and how low and masculinity. I know I'm girly...but I am wondering what caused this. Is it my empathy?

Highy feminine?

I'm so worn out today...all of that creative burst and rest from the vacation is gone...gone...gone. Since I'm so worn out...playing around sounded good. Pop Candy linked to the Personal DNA test. So here I am: The Generous visionary I was not too surprised by the results...except for how high I scored on femininity and how low and masculinity. I know I'm girly...but I am wondering what caused this. Is it my empathy?

Mojo's back

Hello! Well, I have submitted three articles for editing and have written most of a fourth. And it's only 2 p.m. I've been really energetic today. I will chock it up to more than just the Diet Coke effect. This blog has been really therapeutic lately, as has my journal and nighttime quiet time. I have known for years that I needed to do this, but I was letting my introspective side go dormant. Was it because I was afraid to face who I was? Was there sin there? (The sin of sloth to be sure.) Or was it because I didn’t think my pedestrian life didn’t deserve it? I feel more alive right now. There’s this deep side of me that is digging its way out. On the outside, things are not any different. I can find joy and think about things even when I’m not happy with this season of my life. I do pray that I find some kind of end to this stretch of dryness and dissatisfaction. What do I want? That is the question. My dad and I have been talking about my going all philosophical. He can'...

Mojo's back

Hello! Well, I have submitted three articles for editing and have written most of a fourth. And it's only 2 p.m. I've been really energetic today. I will chock it up to more than just the Diet Coke effect. This blog has been really therapeutic lately, as has my journal and nighttime quiet time. I have known for years that I needed to do this, but I was letting my introspective side go dormant. Was it because I was afraid to face who I was? Was there sin there? (The sin of sloth to be sure.) Or was it because I didn’t think my pedestrian life didn’t deserve it? I feel more alive right now. There’s this deep side of me that is digging its way out. On the outside, things are not any different. I can find joy and think about things even when I’m not happy with this season of my life. I do pray that I find some kind of end to this stretch of dryness and dissatisfaction. What do I want? That is the question. My dad and I have been talking about my going all philosophical. He can'...

Working away

I have nothing profound to say (ironic for a writer, eh?) There's a lot of work that needs to be done, but I wanted to take a break. So here's a post. No good reason, but all I'm losing is some time and maybe I'm inconveniencing some electrons.

Working away

I have nothing profound to say (ironic for a writer, eh?) There's a lot of work that needs to be done, but I wanted to take a break. So here's a post. No good reason, but all I'm losing is some time and maybe I'm inconveniencing some electrons.

Rain, Rain

This rainy day feels wonderful. It's humid, but not that hot. Everything has been quite green despite the lack of rain. I’m looking forward to the scenes after the rain has passed us by. Today has been okay. I’m pretty tired (Tuesday after vacation…that’s the worst). I didn’t have a good breakfast and that really set the course for a rough morning. But I had a good lunch---a mushroom burger wrap with some prunes on the side. Go me! I also made some chicken soup last night, so I’m going to have a big bowl of it before I head out to do some work tonight.

Rain, Rain

This rainy day feels wonderful. It's humid, but not that hot. Everything has been quite green despite the lack of rain. I’m looking forward to the scenes after the rain has passed us by. Today has been okay. I’m pretty tired (Tuesday after vacation…that’s the worst). I didn’t have a good breakfast and that really set the course for a rough morning. But I had a good lunch---a mushroom burger wrap with some prunes on the side. Go me! I also made some chicken soup last night, so I’m going to have a big bowl of it before I head out to do some work tonight.

Imagination vs. Fiction making

Let me start by saying that quiet time is so much better than watching TV. It's so much better to read, meditate, and pray than watch TV. Why did I wait so long to figure this out? Anyway, one of the books on my shelf caught my eye...A Disciplined Heart by Caroline Simon. She is (was?) a philosophy professor at Hope. That was my least favorite class and most challenging. Why do I have this book? It's so interesting. She's talking about different kinds of love and what is the difference between true love and false love (not true love like in the movie that ends with a wedding a big kiss...genuine love). Well, true love engages in imagination, the other, fiction making. Imagination is seeing what is not yet but should be. Fiction making is making up what you want it to be. That is profound. I can see that difference in many of my relationships. How many guys and/or friends have I stopped liking becasue I was making them out to be something they weren't meant to be? Intere...

Imagination vs. Fiction making

Let me start by saying that quiet time is so much better than watching TV. It's so much better to read, meditate, and pray than watch TV. Why did I wait so long to figure this out? Anyway, one of the books on my shelf caught my eye...A Disciplined Heart by Caroline Simon. She is (was?) a philosophy professor at Hope. That was my least favorite class and most challenging. Why do I have this book? It's so interesting. She's talking about different kinds of love and what is the difference between true love and false love (not true love like in the movie that ends with a wedding a big kiss...genuine love). Well, true love engages in imagination, the other, fiction making. Imagination is seeing what is not yet but should be. Fiction making is making up what you want it to be. That is profound. I can see that difference in many of my relationships. How many guys and/or friends have I stopped liking becasue I was making them out to be something they weren't meant to be? Intere...

Return to work

Wow...the real world does not go away. I came back to a load of mail, bills, and e-mails. But that's part of life as well. I did not enjoy the $203 AT&T phone bill, plus I had the $53 wireless bill. I spend a lot of money on communicating. But I will get $100 back for the modem, plus $150 in other rebates, so I will come out ahead. I figure that I'm prepaying for some groceries. Sigh. But that's okay. I've been eating healthy today. Breakfast was a Special K bar. Then I had some hummus and whole-wheat Melba toasts for a snack. Lunch was a mushroom burger, south beach wrap, and greens. I also had three cherry essence prunes. What’s worse? I ate prunes or that I liked them? I also have another wrap and some chicken salad to shove in before Bible Study. I haven’t done my lesson, so I might just go early and read before everyone else shows up. The reason I didn't do my lesson? I couldn't find my bag. It was in the back seat of the car. Did I mention that it'...

Return to work

Wow...the real world does not go away. I came back to a load of mail, bills, and e-mails. But that's part of life as well. I did not enjoy the $203 AT&T phone bill, plus I had the $53 wireless bill. I spend a lot of money on communicating. But I will get $100 back for the modem, plus $150 in other rebates, so I will come out ahead. I figure that I'm prepaying for some groceries. Sigh. But that's okay. I've been eating healthy today. Breakfast was a Special K bar. Then I had some hummus and whole-wheat Melba toasts for a snack. Lunch was a mushroom burger, south beach wrap, and greens. I also had three cherry essence prunes. What’s worse? I ate prunes or that I liked them? I also have another wrap and some chicken salad to shove in before Bible Study. I haven’t done my lesson, so I might just go early and read before everyone else shows up. The reason I didn't do my lesson? I couldn't find my bag. It was in the back seat of the car. Did I mention that it'...

Madeleine does it again

I think I can read L'Engle all the time. I love her nonfiction books. *Of course the fiction is amazing...but I'm not really that into fiction right now.* I just finished And It Was Good: Reflections on Beginnings The book brought tears to my eyes several times. It's dripping with truth, bursting with honesty, full of grace. She was too far ahead of her time; it's a shame she was branded such things like universalist, occultist, etc. Her words ring so true. She knows that faith changes as it discovers more, yet God never changes. Listen: "God created, and it was joy: time, space, matter. There is, and we are part of that is-ness, part of that becoming. That is our calling, co-creation. Every single one of us, without exception, is called to co-create with God." "It is this awareness of the nervelessness of creation which helps us to keep dissatisfaction away; rejoicing in and being wholly satisfied with being God's co-creators is a prayer of protecti...

Madeleine does it again

I think I can read L'Engle all the time. I love her nonfiction books. *Of course the fiction is amazing...but I'm not really that into fiction right now.* I just finished And It Was Good: Reflections on Beginnings The book brought tears to my eyes several times. It's dripping with truth, bursting with honesty, full of grace. She was too far ahead of her time; it's a shame she was branded such things like universalist, occultist, etc. Her words ring so true. She knows that faith changes as it discovers more, yet God never changes. Listen: "God created, and it was joy: time, space, matter. There is, and we are part of that is-ness, part of that becoming. That is our calling, co-creation. Every single one of us, without exception, is called to co-create with God." "It is this awareness of the nervelessness of creation which helps us to keep dissatisfaction away; rejoicing in and being wholly satisfied with being God's co-creators is a prayer of protecti...

Desert beauty

Wow...what a trip. I'm quite overwhelmed right now...just some jet lag and the general enormity of my little life catching up with me. Charlie and Henry are so cute right now. They're both staring out the slider. They are moving their heads at the same time following the sounds. So cute! Maybe they will get along after all. A week alone will do that to you, now that I'm the common enemy. Well, the trip was amazing. I will go into more detail later, but I want to post some pictures.

Desert beauty

Wow...what a trip. I'm quite overwhelmed right now...just some jet lag and the general enormity of my little life catching up with me. Charlie and Henry are so cute right now. They're both staring out the slider. They are moving their heads at the same time following the sounds. So cute! Maybe they will get along after all. A week alone will do that to you, now that I'm the common enemy. Well, the trip was amazing. I will go into more detail later, but I want to post some pictures.

5 a.m.

It's 5 a.m. and the cab is here!

5 a.m.

It's 5 a.m. and the cab is here!

5 1/2 hours

from now, I need to get up. Why am I still awake? Oh, that's because I have stuff to do!

5 1/2 hours

from now, I need to get up. Why am I still awake? Oh, that's because I have stuff to do!

In 24 hours...

...I will be here! Of course, I still have two hours of work, plus some serious errands to run, some packing to do, and cat boxes to clean. Plus I have to drop off the car to get the bumper replaced. And then I have to get up at 4:30. But I will be in the foothills of the Catalina Mountains after this. Wow!

In 24 hours...

...I will be here! Of course, I still have two hours of work, plus some serious errands to run, some packing to do, and cat boxes to clean. Plus I have to drop off the car to get the bumper replaced. And then I have to get up at 4:30. But I will be in the foothills of the Catalina Mountains after this. Wow!

Rethinking "How to Dismantle"

Lately, this lyric has been running though my head Love makes nonsense out of space And time will disappear I knew that it was a U2 lyric, but it confused me that I did not know where it was from. Why would I half know a U2 song? After a little digging, I found that it was from Miracle Drug on How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. Now, I can’t say I have a love/hate relationship with this CD…It was one of total dismissal. I tried to like it, but I just couldn’t. So, it was deleted from my iTunes and tossed on the CD rack with some sadness. And then this lyric keeps running through my mind a few years later. So it comes time to reconsider this album. And? And I missed the subtle poetry of this album. This morning, I read the lyrics, having forgotten much of the music (of course, the instrumental U2 is amazing, but this is not what I’m talking about right now). When I read the lyrics, I found struggle….the reality of grace in a sinful world…the beauty of this sadness….truth. Poetry… As you en...

Rethinking "How to Dismantle"

Lately, this lyric has been running though my head Love makes nonsense out of space And time will disappear I knew that it was a U2 lyric, but it confused me that I did not know where it was from. Why would I half know a U2 song? After a little digging, I found that it was from Miracle Drug on How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. Now, I can’t say I have a love/hate relationship with this CD…It was one of total dismissal. I tried to like it, but I just couldn’t. So, it was deleted from my iTunes and tossed on the CD rack with some sadness. And then this lyric keeps running through my mind a few years later. So it comes time to reconsider this album. And? And I missed the subtle poetry of this album. This morning, I read the lyrics, having forgotten much of the music (of course, the instrumental U2 is amazing, but this is not what I’m talking about right now). When I read the lyrics, I found struggle….the reality of grace in a sinful world…the beauty of this sadness….truth. Poetry… As you en...

Sailing metaphor

As a landlubber, I will admit that I don't know much about sailing. But as I keep listening to Andrew Peterson, I can't help but thinking what an apt metaphor this is for life. To wit: This is from his song Steady as She Goes I see the thunderheads rise In the northern sky And my heart is sinking In the threatening tide 'cause my portside's heavy with the worries of life and the worries of dying on the starboard side Have I ever felt like that? Nah...surely not! Listen to his response: And keep her steady as a river When the wild wind comes to blow I've already been delivered So I'll keep her steady as she goes I've already been delivered. Already. Not yet. It comes up again. Our salvation, while finished on the cross isn't done yet. A contradiction? Well, it's the reality of God's working in our lives. Do I really understand this? Do I live like I've ALREADY been delivered? To carry the metaphor a bit further, what do I need to jettison over...

Sailing metaphor

As a landlubber, I will admit that I don't know much about sailing. But as I keep listening to Andrew Peterson, I can't help but thinking what an apt metaphor this is for life. To wit: This is from his song Steady as She Goes I see the thunderheads rise In the northern sky And my heart is sinking In the threatening tide 'cause my portside's heavy with the worries of life and the worries of dying on the starboard side Have I ever felt like that? Nah...surely not! Listen to his response: And keep her steady as a river When the wild wind comes to blow I've already been delivered So I'll keep her steady as she goes I've already been delivered. Already. Not yet. It comes up again. Our salvation, while finished on the cross isn't done yet. A contradiction? Well, it's the reality of God's working in our lives. Do I really understand this? Do I live like I've ALREADY been delivered? To carry the metaphor a bit further, what do I need to jettison over...

July 5

Well, it's Thursday and I am confused. I think that it's Monday. But it's Thursday. How strange! I'm feeling contemplative today. I think that is because I am really relaxed and connected with my feelings right now. Is it hormonal? A function of feeling well? I am not sure. Maybe it's the extra prayers that are getting me closer to God right now. Maybe I should stop thinking about it! Last night was so quiet and peaceful. I decided to curl up in my chair. Henry was at my feet, I listened to a mix of music from Bruce Springsteen, the Postal Service, and Andrew Peterson; enjoyed the scents and light of the candle, and read away. Charlie was sitting nearby too. Really, I normally complain when I have nothing to do... but I need peace in my life. (I'm talking about in the daily schedule. I know that peace comes from God ultimately). I'm just talking about unwinding. This is something that I can do... Take life's blessings when you get them!

July 5

Well, it's Thursday and I am confused. I think that it's Monday. But it's Thursday. How strange! I'm feeling contemplative today. I think that is because I am really relaxed and connected with my feelings right now. Is it hormonal? A function of feeling well? I am not sure. Maybe it's the extra prayers that are getting me closer to God right now. Maybe I should stop thinking about it! Last night was so quiet and peaceful. I decided to curl up in my chair. Henry was at my feet, I listened to a mix of music from Bruce Springsteen, the Postal Service, and Andrew Peterson; enjoyed the scents and light of the candle, and read away. Charlie was sitting nearby too. Really, I normally complain when I have nothing to do... but I need peace in my life. (I'm talking about in the daily schedule. I know that peace comes from God ultimately). I'm just talking about unwinding. This is something that I can do... Take life's blessings when you get them!





Good reads

Since I read a lot, I thought it would be cool to keep a record of what I'm reading. I just finished Kitchen Confidential from Anthony Bourdain. How can something so foul be so tender and so sweet? Of course his world is fill with filth and degradation; but this book was written by a tender soul, someone who is passionate about his vocation and the people in his world. Is that too much from one little memoir? I just started a magical book. I'm wondering how I ran across it...must of heard about it on NPR. It's Acquainted with the Night by Christopher Dewdney. It's a Bloomsbury USA title. I just love their books. Night is something so basic. But yet it's magical. I love books that take a long look into something familiar. It's almost poetic when you look into the smaller parts of life. I can't wait to finish this book. I'm going to go rea...

Good reads

Since I read a lot, I thought it would be cool to keep a record of what I'm reading. I just finished Kitchen Confidential from Anthony Bourdain. How can something so foul be so tender and so sweet? Of course his world is fill with filth and degradation; but this book was written by a tender soul, someone who is passionate about his vocation and the people in his world. Is that too much from one little memoir? I just started a magical book. I'm wondering how I ran across it...must of heard about it on NPR. It's Acquainted with the Night by Christopher Dewdney. It's a Bloomsbury USA title. I just love their books. Night is something so basic. But yet it's magical. I love books that take a long look into something familiar. It's almost poetic when you look into the smaller parts of life. I can't wait to finish this book. I'm going to go rea...

Happy Independence Day

It's the Fourth of July. America is 231 years old today. Wow! I'm about to head to the parade in meet up with Kerry, Ron, and the kids. That should be fun! Happy birthday, America!

Happy Independence Day

It's the Fourth of July. America is 231 years old today. Wow! I'm about to head to the parade in meet up with Kerry, Ron, and the kids. That should be fun! Happy birthday, America!


I should post a really long exposition about the importance of vocation, trying your best, and working for God. But I really just want to go home. It's almost July 4. How did this year get half over?


I should post a really long exposition about the importance of vocation, trying your best, and working for God. But I really just want to go home. It's almost July 4. How did this year get half over?

Balaam: A mixed figure

Torah Club last night was challenge. There were only five of us last night---four guys and me. It was quite a discussion! Just when you think Numbers can't get any weirder, we get this story. I mean, Leviticus seems weird, but you can chalk it up to cultic requirements for the specific time and place. Balaam acts like a pagan prophet, but yet he can only utter the words of God. The talking donkey may be the least weird thing about this story. The New Testament, namely 2 Peter and Jude, list him in a negative light. But in reading the story, I don’t see how he’s evil; sure he’s a pagan, but he’s almost coming across like Jethro or the King of Salem …. Someone who is outside of Israel but yet has a connection to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But then again, he’s consulting with a Moabite king. Isn’t it weird how the narrative just shifts from the Israelites to this other incident? And he blesses. That is the most amazing thing of all. Well, I wonder where the narrative is ...

Balaam: A mixed figure

Torah Club last night was challenge. There were only five of us last night---four guys and me. It was quite a discussion! Just when you think Numbers can't get any weirder, we get this story. I mean, Leviticus seems weird, but you can chalk it up to cultic requirements for the specific time and place. Balaam acts like a pagan prophet, but yet he can only utter the words of God. The talking donkey may be the least weird thing about this story. The New Testament, namely 2 Peter and Jude, list him in a negative light. But in reading the story, I don’t see how he’s evil; sure he’s a pagan, but he’s almost coming across like Jethro or the King of Salem …. Someone who is outside of Israel but yet has a connection to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But then again, he’s consulting with a Moabite king. Isn’t it weird how the narrative just shifts from the Israelites to this other incident? And he blesses. That is the most amazing thing of all. Well, I wonder where the narrative is ...