Madeleine does it again

I think I can read L'Engle all the time. I love her nonfiction books. *Of course the fiction is amazing...but I'm not really that into fiction right now.*

I just finished And It Was Good: Reflections on Beginnings The book brought tears to my eyes several times. It's dripping with truth, bursting with honesty, full of grace.

She was too far ahead of her time; it's a shame she was branded such things like universalist, occultist, etc. Her words ring so true. She knows that faith changes as it discovers more, yet God never changes.


"God created, and it was joy: time, space, matter. There is, and we are part of that is-ness, part of that becoming. That is our calling, co-creation. Every single one of us, without exception, is called to co-create with God."

"It is this awareness of the nervelessness of creation which helps us to keep dissatisfaction away; rejoicing in and being wholly satisfied with being God's co-creators is a prayer of protection.

To be dissatified with who we are is not the same thing as that divine discontent which Plato talks about. Divine discontent is to accept our sorrow that we are not what we have been created to be. We have fallen far short of our small part in the image of God; we are less than we are. Once we are aware of this we can open ourselves to our Creator, saying Help me to be what you want me to be."


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